About Us
ÍSOR (Iceland GeoSurvey) is an Iceland-based international geothermal services firm focused on geothermal exploration, development, and utilization. Our experience covers many other geoscience-related fields as well, including groundwater studies, marine geology, and environmental monitoring.
With about two decades of work in geothermal, ÍSOR has provided consulting, training, and scientific services to the Icelandic power industry, the Icelandic government, uncounted foreign companies, entities, governments, investors and development banks around the world.
ÍSOR was established, when the GeoScience Division of Iceland‘s National Energy Authority (Orkustofnunn) was spun off as a separate entity. The company‘s activities and services build upon seven decades of continuous experience in the field of geothermal and hydropower research and development.
ÍSOR is a self-financing, state-owned, non-profit company. It receives no direct funding from the government and operates on a project and contract basis like a private company.
ÍSOR is committed to:
- being in the forefront of geoscientific research, development, and service
- finding ways to enhance and augment geothermal resources
- enhancing the environment and contributing to the debate on environmental issues
- actively promoting geothermal development by increasing public and political awareness and understanding
- training scientists throughout the world in geothermal science and development
- participating in international geothermal development projects
ÍSOR has set itself the following policies:
- Quality Policy
- Human Resource Policy
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Information and Technology Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Safety Policy
Over its existence ÍSOR has been working with a large number of partners on geothermal project development in Iceland and internationally.
Today, the company works in partnership with the following entities:
Iceland GeoSurvey cooperates internationally to promote the production of geothermal energy and is member of the following organisations.
Iceland GeoSurvey cooperates internationally to promote the production of geothermal energy.
- Member of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).
- Member of the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC).
- Member of the International Partnership for Geothermal Technology (IPGT).
- Member of Water Rock Interaction (WRI).
- Participates in the Global Roundtable on Climate Change.
- International Geothermal Association (IGA).
- Represents Iceland on behalf of the National Energy Authority in executing the International Energy Agency Geothermal Implementing Agreement.
- Represents Iceland on energy committees under European Union framework programs.
- Involved in the African Rift Geothermal Development Facility project in East Africa.