Gender Equality Plan
The ÍSOR Gender Equality Plan is based on Iceland’s current legislation on Gender Equality is the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights irrespective of gender no. 150/2020. The aim of the law is to counteract discrimination based on gender, to uphold equality and equal opportunities of all genders in society and promote gender equality in all aspects of society. All individuals shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the company they work for and to develop their skills irrespective of gender.
With this plan, managers and employees are reminded of the importance of allowing everyone to thrive regardless of gender, and the need to equally utilize the wealth found in the education, experience, and perspectives of all genders. Gender-based discrimination is entirely prohibited.
The Gender Equality Plan serves as a tool to define goals and follow up on the company’s equality work. ÍSOR’s Gender Equality Plan aims to better utilize the talents and knowledge of employees, ensuring they can realize their potential and have equal opportunities for employment and career development, regardless of gender. The most critical element in achieving equality, however, is that both employees and managers work actively to ensure equal status regardless of gender across all areas of the company. ÍSOR’s management ensures gender mainstreaming in decision-making and planning in day-to-day operations.
- ÍSOR aims for an equal gender ratio in positions within the company.
- Efforts will be made to maintain gender balance in leadership roles and in committees and councils within ÍSOR. Similarly, equality will be maintained in the allocation of responsibilities and projects.
- Equal pay and benefits will be offered for comparable jobs, regardless of gender.
- Employees will be enabled to balance work and family life.
- Attention will be paid to gender representation and stereotypes within the company.
- All employees shall have equal access to continuing education and training, regardless of gender.
- ÍSOR does not tolerate gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment, bullying, or discrimination against employees, nor will it tolerate gender-based jokes.
- It is important to foster a positive attitude toward equality issues.
To monitor the objectives of the Gender Equality Plan, a gender equality committee operates at ÍSOR. The committee consists of three members, each serving a two-year term: one from the management team and two representatives from employees. The committee meets at least twice a year, or more frequently if necessary. The role and responsibilities of the committee include:
- Acting as an advisory body for management and employees.
- Maintaining statistical data on matters related to the plan.
- Proposing specific actions in line with its objectives and initiating discussions on gender equality in the executive team.
- Suggesting revisions to the company’s Gender Equality Plan if necessary.
- Ensuring regular evaluation of progress is conducted.
- Regularly reviewing practices, attitudes, and working methods at ÍSOR.
- Receiving feedback from employees on any issues related to gender equality.
- The gender equality committee aim to present this plan and related gender equality issues to ÍSOR employees once a year. New employees must be introduced to the Gender Equality Plan, and it is made visible on the company website.
Reviewed 11. November 2022
Reviewed without change 18. October 2023